In a contempo accomplishment to bolster association bloom and agriculture, Alhassan Suhuyini, Member of Parliament for Tamale North, has fabricated a acceptable donation of motorbikes and added capital items.

This action aims to enhance bloom beat programs and abutment agronomical assembly aural his constituency.

The donation, which took abode on Thursday, August 2, included several motorbikes advised to facilitate the advancement of bloom workers and addendum officers.

By convalescent transportation, these motorbikes are accepted to accredit added able commitment of bloom casework and agronomical abutment to alien areas in Tamale North.

In accession to the motorbikes, Suhuyini provided a ambit of items advised to abutment bounded farmers and bloom practitioners.

These accommodate agronomical tools, medical supplies, and educational abstracts for bloom beat programs.

The ambition is to advance admission to all-important assets and casework for both the bloom area and the agronomical community.

Mr Suhuyini emphasised the accent of these contributions in acclamation the challenges faced by his constituents.

He acclaimed that the added advancement for bloom workers would advance to bigger bloom outcomes, while the agronomical abutment would addition abundance and livelihoods for bounded farmers.

The donation has been able-bodied accustomed by the community, with abounding cogent their acknowledgment for the support.