The opposition (NDC) has reacted to the press briefing of the of Ghana (EC) on concerns about illegal transfers found in the Provisional Voter Register for the 2024 general elections.

The Director of Elections and IT of the NDC, Dr.

Edward Kofi Omane Boamah, who appeared not satisfied by the EC's response to the issues of illegal voter transfers found in the register, said his party's only interest is to ensure that the pending general election is free, fair, and transparent.

He went ahead to pose 20 questions to the commission, including the extent of the illegal voter transfer.

Keep in mind that the already has thirty-five (35) outstanding questions relating to the stolen/missing BVR and BVD equipment.

How widespread, in percentage (%) terms, is the issue of illegal voter transfers?


What specific vulnerabilities in the 's systems allowed for these unauthorized criminal and crooked transfers?


Instead of the piecemeal approach, how does the EC plan to comprehensively address these weaknesses to prevent future manipulations?

Given the EC's admission of mistakes and errors, which justifies the NDC's call for a forensic audit of the voter register to ensure transparency and credibility of the Voters Register, will an independent forensic audit and its unbiased findings not guarantee the credibility of the register and enhance trust and confidence?


Will the EC agree to an independent forensic audit of the voter register?

4.  Accuracy of the Voter Register a.

How does the EC intend to convincingly ensure that the current voter register is accurate and free from any unauthorized or illegal voter transfers?


What multi-layered measures are being put in place to rectify the mistakes in the transfer voter list?

5.  Timeliness in the Release of the Provisional Voters Register a.


How will the EC ensure that all identified irregularities are corrected in time for the elections?

6.  Public Confidence How does the EC plan to restore public confidence in the voter register?

7.  Transparency in the Outcomes of the 2024 Voter Registration Process a.

What steps will the EC take to ensure transparency in the outcomes of the recent voter registration and transfer processes before the General elections?


Re-exhibition of the register to verify the accuracy and integrity of the voter register before the General election?

8.  Impact of the Mistakes on the Elections a.

What is the potential impact of the admitted mistakes and errors by the on the fairness of the upcoming elections?


How will the EC ensure that the mistakes do not disenfranchise voters on December 7?

10.  Timeline for Corrections What is the timeline for addressing these criminal mistakes, and will there be sufficient time to ensure that the voter register is accurate and reliable before the 2024 General Elections?