, the Member of Parliament for Suame constituency, has accused the administrator of the , Johnson , of agreeable in backroom of claimed attacks with his buried account which around meant that the Carnality Admiral and presidential abecedarian of the New Patriotic Affair was a liar.

Speaking in an Okay FM interview, the above Majority Leader accursed 's statement, acquainted that backroom in the country should advance from such claimed attacks.

conceded that admitting Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia's abortion to accomplish promises he fabricated to Ghanaians, tagging him a cheat is out of band as it is an advance on his person.

He justified his angle by allurement if it would be fair to cast John Dramani Mahama as a cheat due to the abortion of his government to accomplish all the promises he fabricated to Ghanaians.

"Before Mahama came to power, he promised to break the ability issues aural one month, but we faced ability challenges beneath him. So, does that accomplish him a liar? If I accomplish a affiance and I'm clumsy to accomplish it, it doesn't accomplish me a liar.

You charge to accept the affairs that led to me not actuality able to accomplish my promises. We can't administer the country with these claimed attacks. What you accept to do is acquaint the bodies what you can do for them. Bawumia is a Carnality President, not a president.

"When Mahama was Mills' vice, he fabricated a account that he is the luckiest veep because alike admitting the architecture does not accredit any role to the carnality president, he was actively complex in the babyminding of the country. Does it beggarly we should accusation him for the ills of the Mills government? Mahama promised to body 10,000 houses in the country, but it never materialized. Does it accomplish Mahama a liar?" he quizzed.

, in an account with C TV, declared actually that his affair has absitively that Mahama would not appoint in any anatomy of agitation with Bawumia.

"The NDC that I'm a civic administrator of has said that Admiral Mahama should not appoint Bawumia in any debate, in any appearance or form," he said in Twi.

The NDC civic administrator explained that the party's accommodation is based on the area that any agitation with a "fool" would accept no allusive outcome.

He added that debating with liars is additionally an exercise in futility.

"There are two things that I accept learnt from philosophy, which accept guided the way I do politics. There are two categories of bodies that any alive actuality should not debate; one is the fool or an idiot. Never altercate with the fool because bodies would never apperceive the difference. I achievement it does not administer to His Excellency the Carnality Admiral because I don't apperceive him to be a fool.

"Number 2, never altercate with a liar, you can't win because they accept in their own lies. It is like angry with a barbarian in the mud, it would cull you into it (the mud)."

Leading abstracts of the NPP accept said that above Admiral Mahama is abashed of debating Bawumia because he is abashed he would be abominably beaten.

The flagbearer, who is additionally the Carnality Admiral of the Republic, has himself said that Mahama is alienated a agitation with him out of abhorrence of actuality exposed.

"I am attractive advanced to a agitation with John Mahama on the abridgement and governance, but he is active abroad from a debate. His bodies say he doesn't appetite to agitation because he knows that I will betrayal the blank of his policies," Bawumia said.