Nana Kwame Bediako, leader of the New Force Movement, unveiled his manifesto titled "The 12 Pillars for Economic Freedom" on Sunday night, September 1, 2024.

Bediako, popularly known as Cheddar, highlighted Pillar 10-raising Ghana's first $50 billion-as one of his favourites, describing it as the solution to all of Ghana's problems.

The manifesto, which Bediako described as his visionary document, lays out a comprehensive plan aimed at bringing prosperity, creating opportunities, and ensuring a bright future for all Ghanaians.

The 12 Pillars he unveiled on Sunday outline his key policies and vision for the country, for which he seeks the electorate's support in the December 7, 2024, presidential election, pending his clearance as an independent candidate by the Electoral Commission (EC).

One of the strategies Bediako proposed under Pillar 10 is a Citizenship by Investment Programme, which he believes could significantly contribute to raising the $50 billion target.

Citizenship by investment programs allows families to acquire alternative citizenship in exchange for investments, offering them the right to travel freely and settle in another country.

Globally, over 100 countries have some form of investment migration legislation, with about 30 successfully running residence or citizenship by investment programs.

For instance, in St.

Kitts and Nevis, the minimum donation to the Sustainable Island State Contribution (SISC) programme to obtain citizenship and a passport is estimated at around $400,000 for a single applicant, with additional costs for spouses and dependents.

Similar programs are available in countries such as Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Dominica, Egypt, Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, St.

Lucia, Türkiye, and others.

While presenting his manifesto and discussing Pillar 10, Bediako stated, "Ghana raising its first $50 billion-these are the kinds of figures that might seem daunting, but they are essential for our nation's growth and development." "Because we are only struggling over US$3 billion, and we barely get it.

How are we going to raise US$50 billion?

Yes, we are going to raise US$50 billion, says who, says the young man [Bediako] standing in front of you?

This vision and this policy is going to make it happen." "If you ever wondered where all this money will come from, well, this is it, and it's very simple.

So we decided a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior come together for one purpose, to empower the Immigration Services of this country and create the citizenship package to monetize Ghanaian citizenship only for Africans." "Now, I know that this vision and this idea is going to save Ghana, but it is Phase One of it.

The target is one million Africans to invest 50,000 in Ghana in exchange for a Ghanaian passport.

They can invest in our gold, they can invest in our oil, they can invest in our agro-processing.

They can invest in all the things I have told you, because Ghana will have the biggest, most booming economy, and it is going to attract Africans to come into this country, but they will also want to be part of Ghana's legacy, and so we have to take advantage of that and raise the US$50 billion from Africans by Africans.

This very policy marks a history today because we would not need the Western world to provide for us anymore, now that we know we can raise a thousand times more than they give us," he said. "But remember, this is not only about the money.

The grand agenda in this is introducing African unification.

It is going to start in Ghana.

We would be the first people to start the Project USA, United States of Africa, by people joining us, and we welcome them through our borders, but also they will be investing in our land." "See, we are about to initiate a borderless continent, and trade will come through, investment will come through, our neighbouring countries will join us.

We are about to join hands, we are about to have an entangled economy that cannot be broken anymore, that cannot be separated anymore." "See, we have been regionally separated by borders and internally we have been separated by tribes.

Once we have the water connected, we are coming together by tribes, once we have the borderless continent, we are coming together by countries, this is about to end.

We are going to import our talents and skills from across Africa, everywhere," Nana Kwame Bediako added. "Infact, Naija, I know you are watching me in Nigeria, we are coming for you, I know, just you, Nigeria, if I decide that one million of you should invest in my country passport, you will bring the money in five days to Ghana, you will give us 50 billion more.

And I promise you, we will trade in gold, in oil and we will make ourselves become successful because we are going to raise this capital amongt ourselves.

So remember, when I come to power, I will be the first one to invite these Africans to truly become a part of Ghana as Africans and raise this US$50 billion." "Guess what, there is a Phase Two of this money raising, and it is a grand invitation of people of African descent, history will tell the rest.

Now we either move forward together or we stand still separated, and it is one of my favourite pillars.

Manifesto unveiling The manifesto unveiling event was held in an open garden at the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC), with the flags of Ghana and that of the New Force Movement flying high in the background as Nana Kwame Bediako delivered his policy agenda.