The National Chairman of the , Johnson , has paid appropriate accolade to the backward Ghanaian president, Professor , anecdotic him as an ideal archetype of moral excellence

explained in an account that Professor Mills was an adorning amount in his life, as he abstruse abundant moral acquaint from him

Some virtues of the backward Ghanaian admiral that has inculcated in his activity are Professor Mills' artlessness and honesty

According to him, Professor Mills was consistently aboveboard and honest with the bodies he dealt with and abhorred abuse and awful behaviors

, who was General Secretary of the NDC at the time Professor Mills was president, abundant an adventure area he about became a victim of Professor Mills' 18-carat charge to the country

"When we took over ability in 2008, some of the NPP admiral were aggravating to abduct accompaniment cartage and repaint them. We set up a taskforce to clue those cars, and they retrieved two of those cars that had been taken to a barn for repainting

"When they brought aback the cars to the affair headquarters, we arrive Metro TV to awning it afore we beatific it to the presidency. The Metro TV reporters came and did their work. In the afternoon, I went to the presidency, and anon he saw me, he was like, 'General, why did you do that?' "I asked, 'What accept I done?' and he said he's been told that I approved burglary some accompaniment cartage and had been caught, so he had ordered the aegis men at the alcazar to appear and arrest me. I told him, 'Prof, I haven't done any such thing, and you apperceive me too well,' but he insisted that the law charge work

"I explained the bearings to him, and he was shocked. He anon best up his buzz and alleged the arch of aegis at the Alcazar not to advance with the charge to arrest me," he said on Ability FM

was speaking on the anarchy that bedridden the wreath-laying commemoration to mark 12 years afterwards the annihilation of Professor Mills

A affray ensued at the Asomdwee Park on Monday, July 24, back Koku Anyidoho, a presidential staffer during the Mills era, overran his appointed time, appropriately dabbling the additional canonizing account by Atta Mills' ancestors and associates of the NDC