The Omanhene of the Atebubu Acceptable Area, HRM Ohempon Dr. Yeboah Asiamah, has advocated for greater accord amid the Bono bodies as a key action for accomplishing acceptable development and progress

By alive together, HRM Ohempon Dr. Yeboah Asiamah believes all the Bono States can finer accouterment accepted challenges and accept a stronger articulation in influencing behavior and decisions, which will eventually actualize greater opportunities for their corresponding communities

During a celebrated appointment to the Dormaahene and President of the Bono Regional House of Chiefs, Oseadeyo Dr. Agyemang Badu II, at the Abanpredease Palace, HRM Ohempon Dr. Yeboah Asiamah underscored the charge for Bono bodies to assemblage about a accepted faculty of purpose and apostle their needs and interests to advance development in their corresponding jurisdictions

“We charge to be affiliated as Bono bodies to advance advance in our corresponding states. A affiliated advanced will advice us abode accepted challenges added finer and advance development, which is capital for accomplishing acceptable advance and convalescent the abundance of our communities," HRM Ohempon Dr. Yeboah Asiamah stressed

He added acclaimed Oseadeyo Dr. Agyemang Badu II for his admirable administration and the acceptable assignment he is accomplishing for the advance of Bonoman and the country

“I appetite to acclaim you for your aberrant administration and contributions because your efforts are not aloof convalescent Bonoman but additionally ambience a antecedent for acceptable development beyond Ghana. Thank you for your abiding charge and aberrant leadership”, he added

Oseadeyo Dr. Agyemang Badu II, on his part, bidding his acknowledgment to Ohempon Yeboah Asiamah and his associates for the celebrated appointment and promised to sustain the affable accord that has continued existed amid the two paramountcies

The appointment by HRM Ohempon, Dr. Yeboah Asiamah, is the aboriginal affair amid the two acceptable leaders back he ascended the Owusu Asare Stool of the Atebubu Acceptable Area in July 2022

He was accompanied on the cruise by Nana Owusu Sa-Kofi (Nifahene), Nana Ofori Yeboah (Twaffourhene), Nana Asare Baffour (Ntotoeɛhene), Nana Boakye Yiadom (Kyeame), Nana Atta Gyan Katakyie (Sompahene), Nana Akosua Gyambea Adeɛpena (Nkosuo Hemaa), Dr. Kennedy Bomfeh (Chief of Staff), and a host of added dignitaries