Founder of Perez Chapel, His Grace, Archbishop Charles Agyinasare, has been appointed the new President of the Bible Society of Ghana.

The ceremony marked a historic moment, as Archbishop Agyinasare became the first individual from the charismatic-pentecostal community to assume the role of president for the society.

The core objective of the Bible Society of Ghana is to provide Bibles in various local languages at affordable prices.

Currently, the society has successfully translated the Bible into nine major Ghanaian languages and is actively working on three new ones.

The appointment of Archbishop Charles Agyinasare as President, effective August 1, 2024, is a remarkable achievement towards ensuring that every Ghanaian home has access to a Bible in their mother tongue.

He is expected to bring his wealth of experience to steer the organization towards achieving its objectives during his two-year mandate as president.

Archbishop Agyinasare expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve as president and reiterated his commitment to the society's mission.

He emphasized the importance of making the Bible accessible to every Ghanaian, regardless of their background or language, and pledged to work tirelessly towards this goal.

Opoku Onyinah, whose tenure ends in August this year.

Speaking at the ceremony, Archbishop Agyinasare stated that the new position comes with a lot of responsibilities; however, he was moved to accept the role out of "admiration and reverence for the Bible Society of Ghana." "It is with great joy and pride that I fully accept the role of President of the Bible Society of Ghana," he said.

The man of God added that he remains committed to making the society self-sustaining to enable it to fund its projects. "We will explore innovative ways to generate income, secure partnerships, and engage the broader community in supporting our mission.

Together, we must build a Bible Society that is not only self-governing but self-sustaining," he added. "I will work tirelessly to ensure that the Bible Society has a seat at the table and that our voice is heard in all relevant discussions," he said.

He further appealed to Christians to financially support the society to aid in translating the Bible into many languages and making it available in schools and public places. "As Ghanaians, let us own this mission and not wait for others to come from their countries to do it for us," he said.

He pledged to engage with all church leaders to integrate the distribution and study of the Bible into their activities.

He further committed to promoting the annual Bible Week as a celebrated event on all church calendars.

Opoku Onyinah, said on his part that each time God offers a role to an individual, He grants them the grace to fulfill it.

He prayed for the new president to succeed in his new role.

He made these comments at the induction service of the new president on September 1st at Perez Chapel, Dzorwulu.