The Bono Region is endowed with several tourist attraction sites which attract revellers from different parts of the country daily to the region.

Many of these sites some developed and others yet to be developed are dotted across the length and breadth of the region.

One such potential attraction site is located at Nanasuano, a farming community on the main Berekum-Dormaa-Ahenkro road in the Berekum West District.

Known as "Odomankoma Nsa" to wit, the fingerprint of God, the mysterious and historical markings on a rock are believed to have been embedded by a supernatural being.

The site is revered by residents in the community because of its historical facts and supposedly healing powers.

Oral history indicates that the five markings visibly engraved on a rock located in the middle of thick vegetation are the fingerprints of God or a supernatural being.

GhanaWeb's Bono Regional Correspondent, Aboagye Addo Frank, was in the community and the over one hour journey to the site where the "Odomankoma Nsa" is located was tiresome as the road was terrible and the path was bushy.

Despite the stress, it was worth the adventure as the place is practically a history mine with some history to share.

Along the route is the Nanasu stream from which the community derived its name, the Nanasuano old site which was their initial dwelling place, an open space that served as the playing ground for their forefathers.

There is also an Oware, an abstract strategy game made up of twelve holes and played with forty-eight seeds neatly carved on a rock believed to have been played by God.

The Okyeame of Nanasuano, Nana Kwadwo Fordjour who led the team to the place gave a vivid history of the place.

According to Nana Kwadwo Fordjour, the five fingers on the rock are believed to have been created by God himself before their ancestors settled at the place.

He indicated that the five large markings on the rock represent each finger of God or a super being and he justified the mystery of the markings by showing how large they are. "This whole area is known as "Odomankoma Nsa".

It is called so because when you look at this place, you can see some large fingerprints which are the prints of a spirit or a supernatural being.

As you can see, the fingerprints are there and that is why this place is called "Odomankoma Nsa".

Pointing to a stream near the rock, he disclosed that it is believed that the supernatural being dug a hole which contains the stream and has been there up to date as in his the stream has never dried and has healing powers that can cure all manner of diseases. "After engraving His fingerprints on the rock, the supernatural being dug a hole here which is filled with water that does not dry and can heal any sickness".

A resident in the community, Nana Yaw Abina who had visited the place to fetch some of the water during our visit due to its healing powers revealed that the healing powers of the stream is not in doubt so he occasionally comes there to fetch some for his family.

Watch the GhanaWeb Special by our Bono Regional Correspondent Frank Aboagye Addo below: This story was originally published by GhanaWeb in 2021 and has been republished for educational purposes.