Job creation has become the mantra of most Ghanaian politicians in order to win massive votes of the masses who predominantly comprise unemployed Ghanaian youths.

But unfortunately, very little is done when they are given the opportunity to do so.

What they rather engage in doing which they call job creation is job replacement in state institutions just to fill in the vacancies occasioned by retirements, pensions, dismissals, sicknesses, and deaths.

The truth is, to create jobs is to bring into existence what has never been there before.

In other words, it is adding to the numbers already in existence, and not simply replacing employees.

Therefore, we cannot brag about job creation when a single factory is not built or a new set of business outlets is not created for people to be hired.

For that reason, any entrepreneur who employs one person must be loudly applauded.

It is instructive, therefore, for every ruling government to support such entrepreneurs by creating a conducive environment for such businesses (particularly the local businesses) to thrive, and not to sabotage them, perhaps, because they are not members of the political party in power.

Honestly, nation-wrecking postures of that sort must be utterly condemned by every reasoning and discerning Ghanaian.

In fact, it is completely destructive, diabolical and illogical.

Truly, that is what is killing us as a nation.

Never again should such diabolicalism be entertained in our politics.

It is filthy and stinking.

Frankly speaking, every politician who demonstrates the spirit of nationalism by expressing their enthusiasm to supporting local business ventures, regardless of their political association, must be hailed.

Those are the generational thinkers.

The former president of the Republic of Ghana, has taken a very bold decision to support Electrochem Ghana Limited, a local mining company situated in Ada, when he is voted into power again.

Daniel Nii Nshia McKorley, (MCDAN) who is the owner of the said salt mining company, to be more committed to creating more businesses for the common good of mother Ghana.

l admonish all politicians to follow ex-president 's good example and put Ghana first in all their political endeavours.