Emigoh Ghana Limited alternate in the admired HSWT-Africa University Accord Conference, captivated in Weihenstephan, Triesdorf, Germany from Thursday, 11thJuly 2024 to Friday, 12th July, 2024.

As allotment of our charge to adopting bookish arete and industry collaboration, Mr. Stephen Eku, CEO of Emigoh delivered an astute presentation on the affair of "Effective Automated Placement of University Students."

A Belvedere for Innovation and Collaboration

The HSWT-Africa University Accord is acclaimed for bringing calm arch bookish institutions & industry professionals from about the globe.

This year's appointment focused on "Making African Agricultural Universities Added Able for Rural Areas" accouterment a belvedere for the barter of avant-garde practices and collaborative opportunities.

Advocating for Student Success

In his submission, Mr. Stephen Eku accent the analytical accent of automated placements in acceptable students' employability and bridging the gap amid bookish acquirements and applied industry experience. The presentation emphasized:

1. The Duration of Internship: Internships are about too abbreviate to be effective. His advocacy was to extend internships to a year or accept a breach anniversary archetypal for added allusive acquirements experiences.

2. The Level of the Student: First year acceptance generally abridgement the ability bare for allusive contributions. He recommended that internships be appointed for Year 3 students, who can action bigger contributions due to their avant-garde knowledge.

3. Training Institution's Involvement: He intimated that institutions tend to be acquiescent in alignment internships and recommended that institutions should comedy an alive role in alignment internships, absorb industry in class development, and action connected apprenticeship and consultancy services.

4. Government Incentives/Policies:In his view, government abutment is acute for adopting industry engagement. His advocacy was for the Introduction of behavior that incentivize Companies (through tax abutment & grants) to accommodate training and internships.

Looking Ahead

Mr. Stephen Eku connected that able accord should amount the absolute aliment amount chain, from acreage to fork. Universities should focus on analysis and training & partnering with industry for profit-sharing afterwards developing innovations. For example, KNUST interns helped Emigoh to break a cogent claiming in our branch some time back.

To abutment rural development, universities should accept added rural acceptance at affordable costs, enabling them to acknowledgment and advance their communities. Ghanaian universities should focus on bearing added hands-on professionals rather than administrators. These insights aim to advance able strategies for academia-industry collaboration.