The headmistress of Our Lady of Providence Girls Chief Aerial Academy in the Jaman South Municipality of the Bono Region, Sister Regenamma Zangiti, has clearly retired from the Ghana Education Account (GES) afterwards 24 years of committed service.

In adulatory this milestone, a adieu commemoration in anniversary of her arresting contributions to both the academy and the association was organised by the administration of the academy in her honour.

Attendees included Reverend Father Dr. Thomas Oppong Febiri, Vicar General of the Sunyani Diocese, the Bono Regional Director of Education, the Jaman South Municipal Chief Executive, associates of CHASS, Nananom, clergy, staff, parents, associates of the public, alumni, and students.

Speaking as the bedfellow speaker, the Vicar General, Reverend Father Dr. Thomas Oppong Febiri, acclimated the befalling to acclaim the achievements of the approachable headmistress, which accept abundantly adapted the academy into a academy of arete and choice.

He accepted her abstracted administration as the active force abaft the transformation of OLP Girls SHS, which was characterized by a adamant following of excellence, an appearance that is now built-in in the actual bolt of the academy as a abiding bequest and admission that would abide to amble on.

"Our Lady of Providence of Girls Chief Aerial Academy has become a domiciliary name due to the arresting service, leadership, devotion, and adamantine assignment of Sr. Regeenamma Zangiti. It is both fair and advisable to bless her while she is animate because a country that fails to honour its heroes is not account dying for," he said.

Other acclaimed speakers appropriately took turns to reecho the appulse of Sr. Regeenamma Zangiti in abundantly transforming the academy and the able affiliation she has congenital amid the academy and the association during her administration as headmistress.

Delivering her adieu speech, Sr. Regeenamma Zangiti accustomed the abutment of assorted individuals and organisations who encouraged her to accomplish these arresting heights.

"I would like to accede some personalities who accept been my courage throughout my decade as headmistress because acknowledgment can transform accepted canicule into thanksgivings, about-face accepted jobs into joy, and change accustomed opportunities into blessings," she said.

Sr. Regeenamma anecdotal some of her best admired memories by painting a active account of her journey, which has fabricated the academy one of the best chief aerial schools in the country in the areas of academics, discipline, abecedary quality, motivation, co-curricular activities, and association engagement, amid others.

"When I took over as headmistress, I had a bright blueprint, and I adherent my effort, time, and assets to accomplishing it, and I am blessed to say that aural ten years, this adherence is axiomatic in the advance the academy has made," she added.

She, however, bemoaned that the academy is bedeviled with several added challenges, such as bare agents accommodation, bare classrooms, a abridgement of admission roads, and an capricious baptize supply, which the new headmistress will charge burning abutment to address.

"Mr. Chairman, it is sad that admitting our achievements over the years, there are still bare classrooms, bare agents bungalows, a abridgement of admission roads, and the charge for a bigger bus to back acceptance and agents to programs, and it is my absolute admiration to see these challenges addressed imminently so that our admired academy can abide to excel and abide to advance its cachet as one of the best chief aerial schools in the country and beyond," she said.