National Safe Fish Certification & Licensing Scheme introduced to regulate fish processing
6 months ago

Fisheries Commission, the Ghana Standards Authority, and the Environmental Health and Sanitation Department of the Local Government Service have created a framework for safe fish certification and licensing scheme to regulate and ensure hygienic fish processing in the country.
Under this scheme, fish consumers will operate under a code of conduct to meet health and hygiene standards that reduces contaminants. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and partners in 2023 announced the safe fish certification and licensing scheme under the theme, "safe fish, better health."
"…we have also been able to train 3,500 women fish processors and traders from coastal communities on hygienic fish handling and processing, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship. We've inspected 300 facilities and granted 191 Safe Fish Certificates." - Acting Deputy Mission Director, USAID/Ghana, Andrew Read revealed. He conceded that certification alone will not solve the challenges ahead but "collectively, we must invest in capacity building and training programs to empower local fishermen and processors with the knowledge and skills to comply with these safety standards effectively."
Chief Director at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFAD), Marian Kpakpa, representing the sector minister, Hawa Koomson, emphasized the crucial role of the fisheries sector in Ghana's economy.