The Narcotics Ascendancy Commission (NaCoC) is abashed by the accretion corruption of nitrous oxide, frequently accepted as bedlam gas, amid the adolescence in Ghana.

This actinic compound, which is about acclimated for medical, commercial, and automated purposes, has become accepted for its candied aroma and taste, arch abounding adolescent individuals to seek the brief bliss it provides.

Originally advised for benign uses, nitrous oxide has now become a new biologic craze. Users generally apply buried methods, such as absolution the gas into appropriate balloons afore inhaling it.

Mr. Samuel Yeboah, the Ashanti Regional Director of the Narcotics Ascendancy Commission, bidding his apropos about the growing abusage of this chemical.

"Because it is usually begin in hospitals, some bloom professionals are abusing the chemical. Medical acceptance accept additionally been begin to abusage them.

They accept been begin on the market.

The marketers of these articles are authoritative profits," Mr. Yeboah stated.

Nitrous oxide works by triggering the absolution of dopamine, a hormone that elevates the user's mood.

However, studies accept adumbrated that abiding acknowledgment to the actinic can accept adverse furnishings on the affection and brain.

Short-term acknowledgment can aggravate respiratory conditions, decidedly asthma, arch to affection such as coughing and wheezing.

Despite its amends in the country, Mr. Yeboah believes that measures should be implemented to ascendancy the corruption of nitrous oxide.

"This is aural the ambit of the Foods and Drugs Authority.

I anticipate they accept to up their bold to adapt this on the market," he urged.

Mr. Yeboah bidding these apropos while speaking on Kumasi-based Luv FM.