The Volta Regional Minis­ter, Dr Archibald Letsa, has stated that the government will support efforts to ensure peace and unity among traditional authorities in the country. He said the government recog­nises the important roles chiefs play in national development and committed to enhancing peace efforts, "as peace is a prerequisite for the country's development." Speaking at the inaugural cer­emony of the Union of Tongu Chiefs (UTC) at Juapong in the North Tongu District, last Satur­day, Dr Letsa stressed the need for unity among chiefs to foster development. The union consists of 13 paramount chiefs from the three Tongu districts: North, South, and Central Tongu. Its primary goal is to promote peace and unity among the chiefs and people of Tongu, to accelerate development. Dr Letsa gave the assurance that the government would support the UTC in its objective of main­taining peace in Tongu to attract necessary development.