Hope Foundation Ghana, a non-profit civilian association organization, has admonished acceptance and adolescent bodies in accepted to break abroad from biologic corruption and crime

It said the corruption of drugs and substances has a aerial abeyant of landing acceptance and adolescent bodies into amusing vices, which would end up jeopardizing their approaching aspirations and may additionally advance them to jail

The foundation, which has its admiral fatigued from the Ghana Prisons Service, , cloister staff, and professionals from the departments of amusing abundance and health, sensitized the acceptance of Wa Senior Aerial Academy (Great WASEC) on drugs, crime, and the realities of imprisonment

Speaking at the academy in Wa, Upper West Region, on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, the Controlling Administrator of the Foundation, ASP Majeed Alhassan, said his accouterments was set out to bear acceptance and adolescent bodies from falling into the annihilative tendencies of biologic and actuality abuse

He adumbrated that the abnormal use of drugs and substances was acceptable a accepted abnormality in the Upper West Region, abnormally in Wa Municipality, amid adolescent people

"There is a accord amid biologic corruption and crime. So we accomplished that, in Wa Municipality, the affair of drugs is acceptable too common. So we met with the Food and Drugs Authority, the Narcotics Control Authority, and the Ghana Apprenticeship Service to see how best we can cull armament calm and action adjoin drugs and abomination in schools and adolescence camps in the Upper West Region, starting from Wa Municipality, area the affair is alarming," he said

ASP Majeed Alhassan, who is additionally the Head of the Criminal Records Unit of the Wa Central Prisons, said the beat was aimed at allowance the acceptance to acknowledge what does and does not aggregate biologic corruption and its effects

"What we are acquisitive the acceptance will apprentice is that they will get to apperceive the dangers associated with biologic corruption and abjure from it, as able-bodied as the assorted offences or crimes that accept the abeyant to acreage bodies in prison. So the petty, petty crimes that they didn't apperceive were alike offences, they will get to apperceive and abjure from them," ASP Alhassan said

The architect and controlling administrator of the foundation additionally cautioned that "there is annihilation acceptable in crime. And alike if the badge are not able to bolt you, the Almighty God will bolt you. So it is bigger to break out of crime, and if you don't break out and you accomplish the abomination and appear to prison, you will affliction it because the altitude in bastille are unbearable." ACO Seth Owusu Kwame, the Public Relations Officer of the Hope Foundation GH, brash the acceptance adjoin the convenance of demography accepted drugs to amusement ill-health altitude after the admonition of a medical practitioner, which he declared as a accepted anatomy of biologic abuse

He empiric that it was accepted for bodies to booty assertive drugs whenever they accomplished alternate affection artlessly because a medical practitioner had assigned the aforementioned biologic for them earlier, which brash that condition

He said the convenance was bad and not brash because altered ill-health altitude could present agnate affection and that demography a accurate biologic for altered ill-health altitude could be awful injurious

"Any time you're activity the aforementioned affair as you were feeling, don't booty the decree into your hands. Go and see the doctor; they will canyon you through tests," he said

He added brash that "there is annihilation benign to biologic corruption afar from the corruption that it can account you. Biologic corruption can advance you to accomplish crimes like stealing, armed robbery, kidnapping, and consecutive killing to get money to abide allotment the drugs," and this, he said, has the addiction of arch one to prison

He accordingly apprenticed the adolescence to abstract themselves from the influences of bad aeon and bodies who accept annihilation acceptable to offer, afar from advising them to appoint in bad acts

Some acceptance who alternate in the sensitization affairs bidding acknowledgment for the apprenticeship offered to them and promised to not go abreast drugs, and they apprenticed to become absolute advocates in the action adjoin biologic and actuality corruption aural their communities

"They basically accomplished us about drugs and how drugs corruption us, for example, abortive deaths and the abbreviating of diseases and disorders such as stroke, disability, and madness," Mohammed Salman said

"I accept additionally abstruse about altered types of offenses, which I ahead never knew could advance me to prison. I additionally watched pictures and videos of adolescent and old bodies disturbing in prison. I've additionally appear to apprehend that, if we break abroad from drugs, we will be acknowledged in life, and our parents and association will be actual appreciative of us," Rusdeeya Salifu Wonta said

The accident was graced by the Headmaster of the school, Alhaji Iddrisu Thirdman, some associates of the school's staff, and some aggregation associates of the foundation