AdvertisementDeputy Majority Baton in Parliament, Patricia Appiagyei has adumbrated the Children, Gender and Social Protection Ministry would accept to set up a Gender Equity Committee to baby-sit the accomplishing of the Affirmative Action Gender Equity Bill 2024 which was anesthetized by Parliament on Tuesday, July 30

The Affirmative Action Bill is to actualize an candid association as able-bodied as abode the socio-cultural, political, economic, and educational imbalances and it is accepted to be implemented in both accessible and clandestine sectors

Deputy Majority Baton and Chairperson of the Gender and Social Protection Committee in Parliament Patricia Appiagyei says ''we are attractive at the Trades Unions, we are attractive at the political parties and again we are additionally attractive at the clandestine area how we can lieu them gradually to ensure that in their recruitment, in their application they would abrasion the lens to abode the gap, the advanced gap that we are seeing.'' The Asokwa MP alleged for sensitization of the bill by the Gender Ministry and added stakeholders to ensure bland implementation

According to the agent majority leader, back the bill comes into effect, administration including government organisations and the aegis casework would be answerable to accommodate women in their recruitment. So, for instance if a aggregation is recruiting bristles bodies for application ''at atomic two should be women''

Parliament is yet to address the bill to the admiral for presidential acceptance for it to become law and Patricia Appiagyei assured the accessible that the admiral would be admiring to assurance it. ''There is a aberration amid a clandestine member's bill and a bill sponsored by the government, it is in his (president) absorption and it gives him abundant pride to acceptance to that bill''