The Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Ignatius Baffour Ewuah, has appear that all issues amid the Admiral and the Colleges of Apprenticeship Agents Association of Ghana (CETAG) accept been resolved

CETAG laid bottomward their accoutrement weeks ago, ambitious bigger alive altitude and the administration of a Civic Labour Commission (NLC) ruling

However, afterwards blockage abroad from assignment for over a month, CETAG associates had their July bacon arctic by the Ghana Tertiary Apprenticeship Commission (GTEC)

Read also: We charge action, not assurances from government - TTAG on bang by CETAG Speaking to the media afterwards actualization afore the Public Accounts Committee on Friday, August 2, the Minister said all outstanding issues accept been settled

"I accept affianced and accept concluded. We accept alike active a Memorandum of Understanding advertence what government charge is activity forward. The appeal additionally for them to go aback to class, we accept active assimilate that. They accept appropriately signed. But you know, those who came to represent the agents were aloof the leaders. They requested that they bare to accept a appointment with their associates to clearly alarm off the strike. So that's why we are waiting." "In their case, their administration accept additionally active so what is bare is for them to accept their civic board affair and additionally booty a decision, but I charge accept that we still accept assignment in progress. The best important affair alike admitting there were absolutely several issues was the affair of migration. You know, they had been upgraded from abecedary training institutions to colleges of apprenticeship which meant their cachet has changed." "But auspiciously for us, an appraisal has been done, and the appraisal indicates that about 98% of them do authorize so all 98% of bodies who qualify, are now activity to be migrated assimilate university status. We are application the University of Cape Coast as the criterion for migration." Mr Ewuah additionally assured that the admiral has put measures in abode to avoid any automated activity afore the end of this year

He accustomed that while banking considerations are a factor, delays were due to all-important audits and analysis processes

"We care to analysis to accomplish abiding that yes, if you said you accept say a master's, it should be confirmed. Those processes sometimes accept to biking amid GTEC the principals of those colleges and the agents themselves. This aback and forth, sometimes adopting queries and cat-and-mouse for answers causes delays." "I don't anticipate that was a advised activity on the allotment of the government to delay, but let me additionally say that sometimes back institutions act, and conceivably they delay, the aftereffect is that bodies anticipate it is the axial government that is not demography a accurate action," he said

According to the Minister, in cases involving abstruse issues, the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations cannot actuate how specific degrees should be recognised.Instead, ascribe from acreage regulators is all-important to accomplish these decisions

"Let me candidly accept that in relationships, annihilation can appear at any time. I may not be able to adumbrate absolutely what will be accident in the abutting 24 hours, but we are aggravating as abundant as accessible to accroach any such issues and be able to advance strategies to balk them." "I appetite to accept that for about eight years, we accept been actual proactive in administration labour issues; certainly, as an automated relations business, there will consistently be issues, but what is added important is back those issues appear up, how are they handled, whether or not they are handled abundantly or not." Tags:   CETAG NLC Related to this story CETAG bang enters anniversary 7 as administration awaits gov't signature on new acceding Freezing salaries of CETAG associates not the band-aid - CAPCOE CETAG pulls out of affair with Apprenticeship Admiral over abiding bang CETAG civic board to accommodated today to adjudge fate of advancing bang CETAG demands bacon anatomy commensurable to university counterparts, says PRINCOF admiral Striking CETAG associates abjure all casework as government withholds salaries CETAG vows to argue actionable bacon benumb GTEC directs CAGD to abstain CETAG members' July salaries CETAG holds emergency affair as abiding bang enters sixth anniversary Return to the classroom - GTEC to CETAG