Memchemfre association Day Academy in the Afram Plains North District AdvertisementThe Memchemfre Association Day Academy in the Kwahu Afram Plains North commune in the Eastern Region has 'collapsed' afterwards seven years of operation

The bearings has larboard accountable agents acquaint to the association abandoned as their fate adhere in the antithesis over reposting

In 2016, the Memchemfre association day academy became operational afterwards it was commissioned by the NDC government as allotment of the aboriginal appearance of the association day academy module

The aforementioned year, association in abutting communities were befuddled into a accompaniment of acclaim as they enrolled their wards, acquisitive of impacting association through education

Professional agents were additionally acquaint to the academy by the Ghana Apprenticeship Service. Although the academy is not the alone additional aeon acquirements academy in the Kwahu Afram Plains North district, it remained the adopted best for parents and acceptance who had enrolled in the academy due to the affection of agents posted

Eight years bottomward the lane, the academy has collapsed. The belt of the academy has been taken over by backcountry while the beam of the e-block are dislodging

Teachers say, aftermost year, a little over four hundred acceptance were acquaint to the Memchemfre Association Day Academy by the computerized academy alternative and adjustment but alone one appear to the academy to access announcement but bootless to enroll

The siting of the school, the absence of adaptation accessories for acceptance and agents and the continued distances acceptance accept to awning to academy anniversary day accept been underscored by parents as affidavit for the collapse of the school

The Assistant Supervisor at the Kwahu Afram Plains North Commune Apprenticeship Directorate, Moses Tanyigbe accepted the school's collapse to but added that stakeholders in the commune are because added purposes that the classroom block will serve

Memchemfre association Day Academy in the Afram Plains North District Kwahu Afram Plains Commune Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers, GNAT, Obeng Koranteng Addae bidding anguish that agents acquaint to the academy are not accepting the befalling to professionally assassinate their affection for teaching

Some parents who were blessed to accept apparent the allotment of the association day academy to association in catchment areas are now aghast about the account of the school's collapse

For stakeholders in apprenticeship in the district, the burst academy can be alive if accessory accessories are provided and the day academy is adapted to a second-tier boarding school

But the Commune GNAT Secretary proposed the about-face of the academy into a academy of apprenticeship so that agents accomplished could be retained to abode the aerial abecedary arrears in the rural schools

Teachers acquaint to the Memchemfre association day academy to cede account are now abandoned in the association as they accept not been in alive account for added than a year but accept account salary

Periodically, they airing on the admixture to accommodate banausic aegis for the academy as they anticipate the commune apprenticeship advisers to admission them absolution to added areas area their casework are needed