Richard Anthounma Jakpa, a figure whose name now evokes a range of emotions such as fear, anger, and frustration among Ghanaians due to his involvement in raids targeting former top government officials, may well be a true epitome of the adage 'from grass to grace.' Before the lead-up to the 2024 Election and his acquittal in the infamous ambulance trial case by the former New Patriotic Party-led government involving Dr , the current Minister of Finance, Jakpa was relatively unknown in larger political circles.

While he was recognised by members of the (NDC), his name was still not widely known by the general public.

This changed with the resurfacing of the ambulance trial, which had been ongoing for some time.

In July 2024, the Court of Appeal acquitted and discharged both Ato Forson and Jakpa of wrongdoing in the purchase of some ambulances under the first tenure of President .