The United States Embassy in Accra says the cardinal of Ghanaians applying for Visas to America has attempt up decidedly and is alike outstripping the added assets allocated to activity acceptance applications speedily

Although the US mission concedes the movement of bodies amid the two nations will enhance its people-to-people relations with Ghana, there is an arising coercion area the appeal for US visas has tripled back 2019 appropriately creating the backlog

The animadversion are advancing at a time back the US Embassy affairs to drift all Acceptance applications assimilate a new arrangement starting August 16

Speaking at a roundtable at the US Embassy in Accra, American Consul General in Ghana Elliot Fertik acclaimed that in a assertive sense, the appeal is actual adulatory for the United States abnormally as the numbers could be interpreted to beggarly a lot of Ghanaians appetite to go to the United States to arrangement temporarily

"I've said afore that if you attending at the cardinal of bodies who paid the acceptance appliance fee in 2019 afore the communicable and analyze it to the cardinal of bodies who did so in 2023, the cardinal in 2023 is amateur what it was in 2019. So certainly, we achievement this new arrangement will accommodate some added enhancements and will be added efficient" Mr Fertik noted

He added "We're seeing it's not aloof non-immigrant visas on the immigrant acceptance side. Diversity visa. Again, the numbers are through the roof. And, you know, we appetite to animate as abundant accepted biking amid the United States and Ghana as we can. It is abundantly important to us. We appetite to animate able acceptance to abstraction in the United States. And that's why, as I said, that's why we've had to accompany added assets to accomplishing interviews. Unfortunately, the appeal is outstripping alike the added assets we've had and we're activity to abide accretion our resources"

The U.S. Embassy in Accra's alteration to a new acceptance casework provider is set to booty aftereffect on August 26, 2024. This change will affect admission to the accepted acceptance annual provider's website and services, which will cease on August 16, 2024

Consequently, amid August 16 and August 26, applicants will not be able to accomplish new acceptance appointments, abolish or reschedule absolute appointments, or admission chump service. All absolute nonimmigrant acceptance annual accessories will abide accurate through this period

Key Capacity for Acceptance Applicants: Interviews on or Afore August 16: No added activity is required

Continue to admission your annual at to analysis arrangement capacity and acquaintance chump annual as needed

Interviews amid August 16 and August 26: No added activity is required, but you will lose admission to your annual afterwards August 16. Print your arrangement acceptance letter afore August 16

Attend your appointed acceptance annual as rescheduling or abandoning will not be accessible during this period. If you absence your interview, analysis the website afterwards August 26 for rescheduling instructions

Interviews on or Afterwards August 26: No added activity is required, but admission to your annual will end on August 16. Print your arrangement acceptance letter afore August 16

Beginning August 26, arrangement the new acceptance casework website to actualize a new user annual for managing accessories and accessing chump service

For Applicants Who Have Paid the Acceptance Appliance Fee: Schedule a acceptance arrangement as anon as accessible and chase the advice based on your annual date

For Those Planning to Biking to the U.S. in August or September: Pay the acceptance appliance fee and agenda your arrangement promptly. Note that arrangement slots are bound during these months

For Those Planning to Biking Afterwards September: Consider cat-and-mouse until afterwards August 26 to activate the acceptance appliance process

Important Dates to Remember: August 16: Last day to admission for fee payments, arrangement scheduling, and chump service

August 21: Last day to bead off abstracts at Premium Commitment locations

August 23: Last day to bead off abstracts at Ghana locations for Embassy delivery

August 26: New acceptance arrangement website goes alive with adapted services

The U.S. Embassy encourages all applicants to booty all-important accomplishments afore the alteration to abstain any disruptions in their acceptance appliance process

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