This accommodation followed an action by a government delegation, including the Chieftaincy Minister Stephen Asamoa Boateng, who pleaded on account of Jinapor. The Lands and Natural Resources Minister had been ahead banned by the Yagbonwura, who declared him as a blackmail to the accord and accord in Gonjaland

"Let me accompaniment this authoritatively that from today, no Arch in Gonjaland should acquiesce Abu Jinapor to appear by himself or advance or accompany any government official or baby-kisser to any alcazar in Gonjaland. Any Arch who disobeys this adjustment will accept himself to blame," he had said earlier, announcement the ban

Samuel Abu Jinapor Pulse Ghana The Yagbonwura, through his interpreter, listed the affidavit for the ban. "It is not a abstruse that Abu Jinapor uses the admiral of government to avoid the acceptable ascendancy and orders of the Yagbonwura in an attack to balk accountability and to adverse the orders so accustomed by the Yagbonwura. This is mostly done advisedly in adjustment to accomplish the Yagbonwura feel worthless, blank and of no amount in the eye of the public," he explained. "Enough of his airs and disrespect. I will accord with any Arch who will absorb him or in the aggregation of any government official to his palace," the Yagbonwura stressed

Presenting a account on account of the adolescence of Gonjaland, the Arch of Sakpala, Jantonwura Peter Awusi Yakubu, common the ban. "We ambition to answer the articulation of the Yagbonwura as was said at the Jakpa Palace, and on the base of the above-listed instances of boldness and insubordination, championed and led by Hon Abu Jinapor, that the King would never admission admirers to any Government delegation, political affair or any being who pays him a visit, already it includes Hon. Samuel Abu Jinapor," he stated. He added emphasising the after-effects for any arch who welcomes the Damongo administrator to his palace