The has afresh appear the aperture of nominations for presidential and aldermanic candidates on September 9, advanced of the December polls.

Over the years, some presidential candidates accept suffered the fate of accepting butterfingers by the balloter anatomy over accessory errors.

In 2016, 12 candidates were butterfingers by the Charlotte Osei-led balloter commission, abbreviation the cardinal to alone four able candidates.

However, afterwards battling their awkwardness in court, 3 of the butterfingers candidates won adjoin the EC paving the way for them to contest.

In 2020, 5 candidates were additionally butterfingers from battling the elections as there were several problems with their choice abstracts including IT issues.

Some of these individuals who accept suffered awkwardness by the EC accommodate Hassan Ayariga of the All People's Congress (APC), Kofi Akpaloo, an absolute candidate, Akua Donkor of the Ghana Freedom Party and abounding others.

One may appetite to apperceive how such abstruse and abreast individuals were not able to do the needful and got themselves disqualified.

The afterward are the key belief for presidential candidates:

1. Forms charge be active by candidate

2. Forms charge be active by two registered voters in every commune (432 authentic endorsements required)

3. One aborigine cannot endorse added than one presidential candidate

4. Vice Admiral appointee charge be called and charge accommodated built-in requirements for the appointment of Carnality President

5. Properly abounding forms charge be delivered to the Returning administrator on or afore the date appointed for cancellation of nominations

6. Forms should be submitted in quadruplicates

7. Forms should accommodate appropriately authentic approved declarations advertence that applicant has provided authentic capacity to the Commission, has met all the requirements and is able for the appointment of President

8. 4 pictures in accordance with ambit and blueprint in the law

9. Payment of filing fees as bent by the Commission

On the aback of these requirements, actuality are the area on which a presidential applicant can get butterfingers from battling the elections per the statutes acclimation the filing of nominations:

The Agency may disqualify a applicant if one of these requirements is not met. For instance:

1. The choice anatomy is not appropriately active by the candidate

2. The approved acknowledgment is not appropriately executed

3. Filing fees not presented in requested approach or amount

4. Less than two registered voters per commune assurance the choice forms

5. The choice forms are not appropriately active by all the subscribing voters

6. The applicant or the appointed carnality admiral appointee does not accommodated the acknowledged requirements of the nominated office.