The Agent Abbot for Bounded Government and Rural Development, Vincent Ekow Assafuah, has accustomed added capacity on the Commune Alley Improvement Programme (DRIP), a civic action to advance alley altitude in all 275 constituencies.

Speaking in an annual on Neat FM on Thursday, August 1, 2024, Ekow Assafuah said that in accession to all the alley architecture accessories accustomed to all the commune assemblies in the country, the government would additionally accommodate gravel, sand, and all added inputs bare to fix anchorage in the districts.

He added that the government would ammunition the accessories and pay anniversary commune accumulation GH¢1 million, which is to be acclimated to apparatus the programme.

"It is the albatross of the axial government to accommodate the ammunition not alike for aloof one year but afterwards the one year. Apart from that, we are activity to accommodate gravel, beach and added abstracts alike admitting at their own bounded akin if they accept assets and some anchorage charge burning fixing, they can accomplish their resources.

"Apart from that, the government is additionally activity to pay an bulk of GH¢1 actor into the annual of anniversary accumulation from abutting anniversary to be able to abutment the architecture and aliment of their roads," he said.

The agent minister, who is additionally the Member of Assembly for Old Tafo, additionally antiseptic that the drivers of the architecture accessories provided by the government, as able-bodied as the alley contractors affianced to fix roads, would be paid by the districts application the assets the government will provide.

"They are activity to be paid by the assemblies because it is allotment of the assets we are giving them."

About the DRIP:

Led by the Ministry of Bounded Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, DRIP will abode the Ministry of Civic Security's apropos about poor alley altitude actuality a cogent civic aegis threat.

At a colourful commemoration at Independence Square on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo commissioned 2,240 units of advanced alley equipment, appearance a above addition to the country's alley infrastructure.

The accessories included a assorted agile of trucks and equipment, including baptize tankers, backhoes, motor graders, rollers, tipper trucks, accurate mixers, and bulldozers.

The accessories was acquired through a Ghana-China accord and was broadcast to all Metropolitan, Municipal, and Commune Assemblies (MMDAs).

President Akufo-Addo emphasized his government's charge to decentralising development and transforming alley networks beyond Ghana while acknowledging the advance fabricated and the charge for added to be done.

President Akufo-Addo thanked China for their partnership, aiming to advance Ghanaians' lives. He assured the nation that his government charcoal committed to convalescent alley infrastructure, announcement connectivity, and active prosperity.

Watch the agent minister's animadversion in the video below:


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