Bandwidth Global, the tech-enabled on-demand alien staffing close based in Ghana, has entered into a cardinal affiliation with Generation, a all-around nonprofit alignment that drives bread-and-butter advancement through employment.

The accord is a above footfall on the alley to accomplishing Bandwidth Global's aggressive ten-year ambition to affix one actor expert-vetted and awful accomplished African professionals with arch all-around companies for alien jobs by 2034.

This accord aims to prepare, place, and abutment Ghanaian adolescence into life-changing careers that were ahead aloof to them. Job seekers will aboriginal complete one of Generation's training programs. Thereafter, they will be advised for alien roles confined Bandwidth Global's arrangement of all-embracing clients.

By leveraging Bandwidth Global's ability in alien staffing and Generation's impact-driven application program, this affiliation is set to actualize a able-bodied activity of skilled, job-ready professionals from Ghana to the world.

Carl Koranteng, CEO of Bandwidth Global, bidding his activity about the partnership, stating, "Working with Bearing marks a cogent footfall against accomplishing our mission to accessible up all-around assignment opportunities for African talent. This accord is cardinal in acumen our eyes by 2034, allowance us to empower Ghanaian adolescence with the capital abilities bare for successful, acceptable careers with all-around companies."

This affiliation will draw aloft graduates from Generation's programs who accept been able for alien roles in the all-around job market, such as Digital Customer Support, Web Development, Data Analyst and Digital Marketing Associate.

Marylin Schlamkow, All-around Employer Partnerships Lead for Generation, commented, "We are captivated to be exploring a new employer affiliation with Bandwidth All-around and are decidedly aggressive by their ambition to affix one actor awful accomplished African professionals with arch companies common by 2034. We are committed to acknowledging adolescent bodies from Ghana to upskill and acquisition careers as we accept anybody should accept admission to a acceptable job and assets that can advice them and their families accept a bigger life."

Echoing this sentiment, Dr. Vandyck Lomotey, Bearing Ghana Affairs Director, added, "It is consistently agitative to acquisition ally who are appropriately committed to transforming the lives of adolescent bodies by abutting them to allusive job opportunities. Working with Bandwidth All-around will strengthen the mission of the Ghana Alien Online Assignment (GROW) program, run in affiliation with the Mastercard Foundation. Together, we aim to abutment added than 2000 adolescent Ghanaians gluttonous bread-and-butter advancement and the adventitious to advance their lives and the lives of their families, and this affiliation with Bandwidth All-around will be active in unlocking all-around alien and online job opportunities for Ghanaian youth."

Vandyck Lomotey

Since 2015 Bearing has formed with a ambit of committed, forward-thinking ally to account unemployed and underrepresented aptitude beyond 18 countries with about 120,000 graduates from their programs appropriately far. Bearing has offered programs in Ghana back backward 2023.

The affiliation amid Bearing and Bandwidth All-around has already amorphous authoritative an impact, with the aboriginal accumulation of Generation-trained candidates placed aural Bandwidth Global's applicant arrangement aftermost ages in alien trucking CRM roles with assorted US-based acumen companies.

Both organizations are committed to a abiding advance in the approaching of Ghana's workforce, ambience a able antecedent for the abeyant of all-embracing collaborations to advance bread-and-butter development and career accessibility.

About Bandwidth Global

Bandwidth All-around operates as a absolute on-demand alien staffing firm, abutting businesses globally with top-notch, vetted, and acquiescent African staff. The aggregation uses avant-garde technology to bout aptitude with the needs of all-embracing firms, announcement a assorted and across-the-board all-around workforce. Their address is amid in Ghana, with agents hubs broadcast throughout Africa.

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About Generation

Generation is a all-around application nonprofit arrangement that supports bodies to accomplish bread-and-butter advancement so they can change their lives. They alternation and abode adults into careers that would contrarily be aloof and seek to advance how apprenticeship to application systems function. To date, Bearing has added than 115,000 graduates who accept becoming added than $1.4 billion in wages, and works with added than 15,000 employers, accomplishing partners, and funders.

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