The National Democratic Congress (NDC) is launching its manifesto for the December 7 elections. 3news brings you live updates on the event: General Secretary. Fiifi Kwetey's address: Manifesto will set pace for reset of the country. NDC cannot match NPP with easy promises NPP's promises have become null and void Our promises are anchored on principles We handed over a portfolio of investments Manifesto contains achievable promises We accept that mistakes can be made Our manifesto is by no means perfect We will receive feedback and make inputs We are the party that makes promises on truth Address by National Chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketia One minute silence for a departed member Patriotic song Our economy has collapsed We have introduced new lexicons such as DDEP For the first time, pensioners have been denied their own money Government has introduced taxes that have caused hardship Our educational system has degenerated Energy sector has been mismanaged Dumsor which was ended by Mahama has been resurrected Most devastating destruction of our environment has been witnessed This manifesto has clear policies We have stated everything in clear terms This manifesto, the people's manifesto provides framework for building the Ghana we want Vote for the NDC to reset Ghana from the abyss. Address by John Mahama: This nation cannot afford one more day after after January 7, 2025 with this government of Ghana. Our beloved nation is breeding Ghanaians can no longer take the hardship Vote for change on December 7 The time is up for NPP to go Your vote will make a way for change Government must begin writing handing over NPP has been greatest political scam They were repacked with sweet- scented promises and ribbons They inherited a stable currency - GHC4 to 1 dollar Private business enjoyed an environment to thrive This government has received more revenue than any government The score card of this administration has been abysmal Ghanaians have watched horror movies in the last 8 years.