In his third and final volume of recollections of his life and primarily everything that had to do with his now defunct bank, UT Bank, Capt Prince Kofi Amoabeng (rtd), shares details of the day his bank was 'rudely' locked out of business, very early on the first working day of a week in 2017.

Titled, 'The UT Bank Story Vol. 3: Fateful Decisions,' authored alongside George Bentum Essiaw, the celebrated banker described how, as early as 6AM on Monday, August 14, 2017, he received the most uncomfortable news about his bank, although initially, as he wrote, he didn't imagine it was about his business.

This was because when he returned to his room upstairs in his residence at Kukurantumi, where he had a habit for leaving behind his phone while on his religious morning habits, he was met by 63 missed phone calls. "While observing this early morning ritual, I always left my cell phone behind in the upstairs bedroom.

It was only after I returned to the bedroom that I attended to my cell phone.