Kadjebi District records 2 confirmed dengue fever cases …Noguchi investigates 60 others
6 months ago
Ghanaian Times

The Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR) of the University of Ghana is investigating 60 suspected cases of dengue fever from the Kadjebi District in the Oti Region. The district has already recorded two confirmed cases of the disease. As a result, the Kadjebi District Rapid Health Response Unit (RHRU) and the Oti Regional Health Directorate (ORHD) are on high alert to address any suspected cases. Briefing journalists on the dengue fever situation in the region on Wednesday, the District Director of Health, Mr Eric Nana Takyi, appealed to residents to report cases of malaria or fever to health facilities promptly. He explained that some cases initially reported as malaria or fever have tested negative and were later suspected to be dengue fever.