Wilberforce Nadutey, a 43-year-old Ghanaian living in the United Kingdom, has reconnected with his family in Ghana after more than two decades of silence through a social media platform, Facebook. At a recent durbar in Osuwem, located in the Shai Osudoku District of the Greater Accra Region, Nadutey shared how he reconnected with the family for the past 20 years.  He revealed that his father, William Nadutey, a former military officer, had been stationed in the Bono Region.  Following his parents' separation, Wilberforce sought to find his father and siblings in 1999. His search led him to the Ablao shrine in Osuwem, where rituals performed by the priest confirmed his origins.  However, the priest requested that he return with his mother, a task he could not fulfill as he was preparing to leave for the UK in search of better opportunities. Although Nadutey returned to Ghana in 2009, he was unable to locate his family. It wasn't until January 2024 that he stumbled upon Osudoku TV on Facebook.