THE altering currently beneath architecture on the Tema Motorway is accepted to be opened to cartage in November this year, instead of December in adjustment to abate cartage bottleneck in the area

This is additionally to accredit the con­tractors alive on the "Project for the Improvement of the Tema Motorway Roundabout Phase II" to assignment on sections of the alley currently actuality acclimated by motorists

The Assistant Resident Supervisor of the project, Mr Yaw Tenkorang Osei, appear this on Wednesday during a armpit appointment by admiral from the Japanese Embassy and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

He said the beforehand aperture of the bypass follows a appeal fabricated by the Minister of Roads and High­ways, Francis Asenso-Boakye, the Ghana Highway Authority, consul­tants, and contractors. "We plan to accessible the arch to the accessible in November as requested by the Minister, the Ghana Highway Authority, consultants, and contrac­tors. We are alive to accommodated this target, although the final achievement of the project, as per the contract, is set for December," he said

The "Project for the Improve­ment of the Tema Motorway Roundabout Phase II", adjourned by a Japanese admission of $27 million, was accomplished to abode cartage conges­tion at the five-legged Tema inter­section area cartage from Accra and Tema Port converges during aiguille hours

Commenced in July 2022, Phase II of the project,involves construct­ing a third-tier flyover wascurrently 75 per cent complete and appearance a 142-metre connected blended animate bridge, a 2,820 aboveboard accent steel-concrete blended slab, and two animate box area anatomy piers

Mr Osei acclaimed that the flyover accommodate a abysmal foundation with a 5-metrediametre for the capital struc­ture and a 2.5-metre diametre for the supports

He said 142-metre flyover is congenital with animate and appearance a painting arrangement advised to aftermost over 70 years

He added apprenticed the government to absorb agnate animate and accurate designs in added flyover projects to enhance cartage manage­ment and accommodated targets effectively

The appointment additionally visited added Japanese-sponsored projects in Accra, including SORA Technology and TranSonica Aggregation Limited

The Head of Africa Business, SORA Technology, Ms Mary Yeboah Asantewaa, declared thatthere was a charge to body new and airy healthcare systems through digital­isation

"That is why we advised this SORA Malaria Control Arrangement (SMC) which uses AI and bombinate to ascertain mosquito larvae abode which was amount able and able as compared to Larval Source Management (LSM)," she highlighted

Ms Asantewaa said application acceptable Larval Source Man­agement (LSM) involves sending bloom admiral to analyze and amusement brackish baptize bodies, which is cher and inefficient

In contrast, she said the SORA Malaria Control Arrangement (SMC) utilises drones and AI to accurately ascertain baptize bodies with larvae, extenuative 40 percent in all-embracing costs compared to LSM

The Chief Executive Officer of TranSonica Aggregation Lim­ited, Mr Daniel Elliot Kwantwi, conference the appointment about the company's activities, adumbrated thatTranSonicadeveloped cards for authoritative cashless payments on a bus and in shops

She said the aggregation had over 13,000 cardholders operating in 87 shops at the University of Ghana