Work on there-modelling and rehabilitation of the 300-bed block at Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital (ENRH) is advancing steadily with about 37 percent of work done. Occupying about five acre site, the project,expected to be com­pleted by December this year, aims to enhance healthcare delivery for Western Region and the broader West Africa sub-region. The medical block will include new and renovated staff accommo­dations, a maternity and neonatal care unit, an emergency centre, an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), pediat­rics, general surgery, and a catheter­isation lab. The facility will also feature an Outpatients Department (OPD), public health services, chemother­apy units, seven operating theatres, MRI and CT scan capabilities, modern imaging, and operating equipment to be installed by Philips and Getinge. Additionally, there will be medical training and maintenance services provided for three years.