Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang, active acquaintance to John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the Civic Democratic Congress (NDC), is advancement the electorates to vote the NDC aback to ability to clean the economy

"The NDC will restore achievement and clean the abridgement to accommodated the aspirations of the Ghanaians," she said at a durbar of Chiefs at Denkyira Bibianiha in the Upper Denkyira East Constituency of the Central Region, on Wednes­day, at the alpha of her bounded attack tour

Her acknowledgment was in acknowledgment to apropos aloft by the Chief of Denkyira Bibianiha, Nana Appiah Kubi, about the abjection and frus­tration of the adolescence in the breadth as a aftereffect of their joblessness

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang is in her home arena to galvanise the abject of the affair and advertise Mr Mahama's behavior afterward her accession to the Central Bounded House of Chiefs by the flagbearer on Tuesday. According to her, the 24-hour abridgement action envisioned by the abutting NDC government would be a key basic of the calendar to accomplishment and displace the country from the furnishings of bread-and-butter corruption by the present government and actualize jobs for the youth

To this end, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang, a above Minister of Education apprenticed all organisations to adapt and actively to booty allotment in the admission civic 24-hour abridgement back the NDC assumes power

She explained that afar from accouterment allowances to companies in the anatomy of tax waivers, bargain assessment ante and added productivity, the job about-face arrangement beneath the action would actualize added application and fi­nancial assurance for workers and households

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang, who had interacted with trad­ers at the bazaar in the town, acclaimed that it is the assignment of government to accommodate the bare support, including credit, to accredit baby calibration enterprises to grow

In addition, she said it was the assignment of government to accommodate the all-important basement that would facilitate the accelerated devel­opment of areas such as Dunkwa and Denkyira

She reminded the chiefs that all the above basement projects such as roads, bloom centres and schools were provided beneath the antecedent NDC governments, and accordingly apprenticed them to vote mas­sively for the NDC to abide its acceptable works in the area

"We accept done it before, and you can assurance us to do it afresh for you," she said

Nana Appiah Kubi, Chief of Denkyira Bibianiha, in his animadversion earlier, assured the NDC of the abutment of the chiefs and bodies of the breadth "because we admiration bread-and-butter development of the area."  BY JULIUS YAO PETETSI