The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) is set to absolution amid $1,000 to $5,000 to 14 adolescence growths beneath its Adolescence in Altitude Activity Fund afterwards they auspiciously adopted the altitude solutions proposals of these articular groups and declared them as winners.

This follows the Mayor, Sam Pyne’s, barrage of the ‘Youth in Altitude Activity Microgrant Fund’ and the consecutive aperture of calls on 24th May 2024, for proposals from adolescence groups age-old 15-24 aural the metropolis.

It is appear that an absorbing thirty-three (33) proposals were submitted to drive altitude solutions accumbent with KMAs’ Altitude Activity Plan for 2024.

Of these, three (3) proposals were butterfingers due to backward acquiescence with a absolute of thirty (30) proposals auspiciously advanced through the aboriginal and additional phases of the alternative process.

The Alternative Committee were composed of technocrats, association assembly and the academia. They conducted a absolute three-week evaluation, which complex reviewing applications, administering interviews, and answer budgets.

As a result, fourteen (14) proposals accept been so far called to accept the KMA’s Microgrant.

In a media release, the Assembly addendum that “consequently, funds alignment from US$ 1,000 to US$ 5,000 will be allocated to the adolescence groups to apparatus their projects over a three (3) ages duration.”

“The Hon. Mayor extends his ardent congratulations to the winners and commends all applicants for their abiding charge to ability absolute change in our community.

The Mayor is assured that this initiative, undertaken in affiliation with Bloomberg Philanthropies, will accept a abiding appulse on our ambiance and affect others to booty absolute activity adjoin altitude change.

Together, we can strive against a greener, added acceptable approaching for the burghal of Kumasi.” Part of the account reads.

Here are excerpts of the release: