Over 300 partic­ipants attended a comprehensive workshop on the 17 Sustain­able Develop­ment Goals (SDGs) as part of a business academy partnership ini­tiative between Tullow Ghana Ltd and the Petroleum Commission.

The two-day virtual workshop, conducted under the Tullow Sup­plier SDG Readiness Programme, sought to empower workers in various divisions of indigenous Ghanaian oil and gas companies to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices into their operations.

Over two years, workers of the 50 selected companies will receive continuous training on the founda­tional principles of the SDGs, as well as the effective integration and implementation of SDG strategies into business operations.

Speaking on the initiative, Cynthia Lumor, Deputy Man­aging Director, Tullow Ghana said: "Empowering and enabling companies and workers in the oil and gas sector to make their busi­ness operations environmentally friendly while improving the living standards of labour and commu­nities - and promoting diversity, inclusion, and transparency in the workplace are critical to ensuring the long-term sustainability of our industry. "Our supply chains are the backbone of our operations, and ensuring that they are sustainable, ethical, and resilient is key to driv­ing positive change in the upstream industry in Ghana.