Ghanaians have been urged to reduce meat consumption to at least once a week for their well-being and to prevent Non-Communicable Diseases (NDCs).

The Executive Director of Communication Initiative for Change, Mr Emmanuel Fiag­bey, said the practice would help in reducing the prevalence of heart diseases, diabetes, strokes, kidney diseases, obesi­ty, chronic illness, and certain cancers.

He made the call during a community education for women groups, community leaders, and chiefs at Nima on the 'Meatless Monday' cam­paign with support from the Center for Communication Programmes and the Center for Livable Future of Johns Hopkins University.

The campaign is a health initiative aimed at enabling Ghanaians to adopt the prac­tice of not consuming meat at least one day a week for their well-being and called on Gha­naians to embrace the "Meat­less Monday" campaign.