Gender advocate Esther Tawiah has raised a strong call for a shift in how Ghana addresses women's empowerment and gender equality.

She outlined several pressing issues that continue to hinder women's progress in the country, from financial literacy to inadequate government support for gender-focused initiatives, in an interview monitored by MyNewsGh. "How can a woman grow her business if she doesn't even know how to protect it?" Tawiah questioned.

Her frustration is rooted in the fact that many women lack access to critical financial tools such as insurance, which can safeguard their businesses against risks like fire outbreaks. "We need to teach women about these tools so they can stand on their own," she emphasized, pointing out that without this kind of knowledge, women are at a severe disadvantage in the business world.

Tawiah's comments echo the sentiments of many women entrepreneurs who, despite being skilled in their trade, struggle with the lack of financial literacy that could protect and expand their businesses.