The traditional leaders of Ga Mashie, under the authority of the Ga Traditional Council, have condemned the recent statements made by radio personality Blakk Rasta, regarding Dr. Daniel McKorley, the Chief Executive Officer of McDan Group of Companies. The leaders described Blakk Rasta's claims that Dr. McKorley was paralysed due to omens and curses allegedly invoked by the Chiefs of Ada as "gross misinformation" and "entirely unfounded." The statement, signed by Numo Kofi Okassa Diaka II, Wolomo of Ga Asere Traditional Area, Abese, and supported by other prominent leaders including Numo Abbey Okanfrane Wulomo of Ga Abbetse We, Numo Naa Koloo Wolomo of La, and Numo Dede of Dede We, Teshie, demanded an immediate retraction and public apology from Blakk Rasta. The traditional leaders warned that failure to comply would result in Blakk Rasta facing serious consequences "as nature demands." "We, the leaders of the Gadangme land, are compelled to address the gross misinformation disseminated by Blakk Rasta to the public.