Renowned investigative journalist and businessman Raymond Archer has opened up about his groundbreaking career in journalism, reflecting on his historic international recognition and the controversies surrounding his work during John Agyekum Kufuor's presidency.
Speaking in an interview with Umaru Sanda on Channel One TV, Archer discussed the highlights of his career, including becoming the first African journalist to win the prestigious Lorenzo Natali Prize for Excellence in Journalism. "I was the first African journalist and the youngest at the time to win the global gold medal for the Lorenzo Natali Prize," Archer revealed.
He emphasized that such recognition is awarded solely on merit, explaining that international judges evaluate work based on its quality, not local political contexts. "At that level, nobody knows NDC, MPP, or The Chronicle.
It's just your work against the best from across the world." Archer's career was marked by significant contributions to political reporting, a field in which he majored at the School of Journalism.