A US-based Ghanaian, visiting the country for the "Detty December" celebrations, has raised serious concerns about the financial struggles of salaried Ghanaians, criticizing the low wages and the prevalent use of U.S.

dollars in the local economy.

In a heartfelt video message shared on social media, she expressed disbelief over the financial conditions that locals in Ghana have to endure. "Ghanaians are literally the most overworked and underpaid in the whole world," she began, shaking her head in frustration. "It baffles me that locals who work for companies or have jobs are working long hours, sometimes over eight hours a day, and they get paid monthly.

That's crazy!" She went on to highlight how much Ghanaians earn compared to the cost of living, pointing out that many salaried workers only earn between 600 to 1,500 Cedis a month, with higher wages considered a rare privilege. "How can anyone live on that?