Kwaku Siaw is accused of committing the crime at their home in Nkawkaw Krofoforom, after accusing Adwo Kutremor, who was breastfeeding their child, of being unfaithful. In an attempt to cover up his actions, Kwaku Siaw told his parents that Adwo Kutremor had left for her mother's house when they asked about her whereabouts. However, the cries of their baby raised suspicions, leading to further questioning, which prompted Kwaku Siaw to flee the scene. Kwaku Siaw went into hiding on Thursday but was eventually arrested at Akyem Asante Juaso with the assistance of Nkawkaw police, after he contacted his father to reveal his location. During his caution statement, Kwaku Siaw confessed to committing the crime, citing his suspicion of Adwo Kutremor's involvement with another man as the motive.