A seven-storey Industrial and Commercial Work­ers' Union (ICU), Ghana, building known as the ICU House, has been inaugurated in Accra to enhance its operational activities.

The building, which was inau­gurated on Wednesday, bolsters a 3-floor private hotel facility and law chamber and also houses the Accra Regional Secretariat, departments, and specialised units of the union.

Speaking at the inauguration, the General Secretary of the Union, Mr Morgan Ayawine, said the inau­guration of the building, which was supposed to have been done long ago, was a testament to what fore­sight, tenacity, and perseverance of purpose could achieve. "The commissioning of this building, indeed, should have been done long ago, but due to circum­stances beyond the control of the Union, the event could not come on as anticipated," Mr Ayawine said. "You would all agree with me that, every good and hard work has its crowning glory, and the commissioning of this building (christened as ICU House) today epitomises what foresight, perse­verance and tenacity of purpose can achieve," he added.

Mr Ayawine said the 7-storey building, which was envisioned and instituted by the late Napo­leon D.K.