In an interview on the Asaase Breakfast Show (ABS) monitored by MyNewsGH, Kwaku Agyeman-Budu, the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), shed light on the challenges faced during Ghana's 2024 general elections.
His remarks, which highlighted critical flaws in the electoral management system, have sparked discussions about the need for urgent reforms.
Agyeman-Budu's concerns were particularly focused on the collation process. "This particular election has exposed some gaps in our electoral management system, especially the whole collation process," he remarked.
The election, which should have been a smooth reflection of the people's will, has raised serious concerns, especially over the level of conflict and confusion surrounding the process. "Elections shouldn't be a big deal; it's just a question of people casting ballots, counting, and announcing the results," Agyeman-Budu said.