Service Ghana Auto Group Limited (SGAGL), the clandestine aggregation at the affection of the latest exposé by the Member of for North Tongu, , has responded to the accusation fabricated by the MP.

SGAGL, in a account sighted by GhanaWeb, refuted claims by the North Tongu administrator that there was some abomination in the acquittal of some $34.9 actor to it by the government for the acquirement and applicable of additional genitalia on some 307 government ambulances.

The aggregation refuted the assertions by the MP that it was offered the arrangement by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo afterwards advancing abandonment - on a sole sourcing basis.

It explained that it was allotment of 16 companies who bid for the arrangement for the account in 2018 and was called to be allotment of a bunch of 7 companies that got the arrangement because they provided the appropriate casework at a almost low price.

"SGAGL is an SPV of a bunch of seven companies that alternate in a advancing accretion process, not sole-sourced, and was adjudged on arete to annex and accommodate after-sales account and aliment for 307 Mercedes Benz Sprinter ambulances for the National Ambulance Account (NAS)."

"A absolute of 16 companies participated, including the seven companies that eventually formed the Bunch during the pre-tender branch round. The companies that formed the bunch included Luxury World Auto Group Limited, Elok Consult, RDC Aggregation Limited, Beft Engineering Works Limited, Prestige Era Aggregation Limited, Bluemix Aggregation Limited, and Quality Supply and Builders Aggregation Limited," the account read.

The aggregation additionally abandoned a affirmation by the MP that the acquittal of $34.9 actor for the accretion of additional genitalia for the ambulances, which translates to about $113,000 per ambulance, was decidedly college than the bulk of accepting new ambulances.

It added that the accusation by Ablakwa that it accustomed $10 actor afore the acquittal of the $34.9 actor has been abandoned by the Bank of Ghana.

"The $34.9M, of which Letters of Credit (LC) were accustomed for $10M, is falsely assigned to awning abandoned automated parts, and the bulk was afresh deceitfully allotted at about $113,000 account of additional genitalia per ambulance."

The aggregation additionally declared that it has already dealt with the issues aloft adjoin it by the Office of the Auditor-General.

What Ablakwa said about Account Ghana Auto:

1. Abridgement of competitiveness in accretion process

Mr Ablakwa alluded to favouritism and abridgement of due activity in the action that led to application the arrangement to Account Auto Group Limited, citation the absence of a advancing accretion process.

"Further aldermanic blank reveals that Account Ghana Auto Group Limited was congenital on April 24, 2020.

"Service Ghana Auto Group Limited was accordingly congenital added than a year afterwards the 307 new ambulances were commissioned by President Akufo-Addo on January 28, 2019.

"Typical of how this incurably base government operates, the aggregation was adopted afterwards a advancing accretion process.

"Additionally, the Government appears not to accept done abundant due activity on the admiral of the company," he stated.

2. Previous payments to Account Ghana Auto Group Limited

According to Mr Ablakwa, the company, afore the latest scandal, had already accustomed GHS115,342,573 for application the ambulances amid 2020 and 2023, bringing the absolute bulk to GHS653 million, which he acclaimed brings the absolute bulk to added than bifold the bulk of the ambulances.

"Deeper aldermanic blank through GIFMIS assessments additionally confirms that alike afore this $34.9 actor atrocious /Agyeman-Manu adieu package, Account Ghana Auto Group Limited has accustomed a colossal GHS115,342,573 in payments for base application of the ambulances amid 2020 and 2023.

"This means, so far, Account Ghana Auto Group Limited abandoned will be authoritative a extraordinary GHS653 actor from these ambulances. This bulk is added than bifold how abundant the ambulances bulk us in 2019. (Prevailing barter amount of $54 million, which was the bulk of the 307 ambulances in 2019.)," he said.

3. Aggregation accusable in Auditor-General's appropriate analysis address on ambulances

Mr Ablakwa additionally cited an analysis address by the Auditor-General on the 307 ambulances, which accusable the aggregation for acts including inflating invoices and breaching aliment schedules and procedures.

"What is alike added depressing, the Auditor-General's appropriate analysis blue-blooded - Performance Analysis Address of the Auditor-General on Fleet Management of the National Ambulance Service, which was appear on May 25, 2022, had the afterward acutely anathema abstracts about Account Ghana Auto Group Limited:

I) Account Ghana Auto Group Limited aggrandized invoices;

II) Account Ghana Auto Group Limited, in abounding instances, acclimated agents of the National Ambulance Account for its aliment alike admitting all payments went to their company;

III) Account Ghana Auto Group Limited consistently breached aliment schedules and procedures and

IV) The Account Ghana Auto Group Limited MoU with the National Ambulance Account did not accustom to the account of the National Ambulance Service.

"How can any Government which claims to affliction about attention the accessible purse be acquainted of this anathema analysis address and still advance to accolade an alike bigger arrangement of $34.9 actor (GHS538 million) back Ghana did not get amount for money afterwards ahead advantageous Account Ghana Auto Group Limited GHS115 million?

"It is additionally account canonizing that this is the aforementioned aggregation which was apparent in a viral video a brace of years ago back an ambulance beatific to them to be serviced was rather acclimated to barrow adhesive by their arrant staff. (See absorbed the affecting acknowledgment they issued at the time).

Read the abounding account by the SGAGL below:


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