Emelia Ofori Agyemang, midwife and ability arch of the Bediako Community Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compound, has brash women to abide accepted gynaecological examinations for aboriginal apprehension of fibroids.

Ms. Agyemang said such accepted examinations advice medical admiral arbitrate aboriginal to anticipate complications from fibroids.

She said the blockage and analysis of fibroids complex a aggregate of affairs choices, medical management, and surgical options.

The midwife was speaking in an account with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Bediako, abreast Kpone, in the Kpone Katamanso Municipality.

She said there were no affirmed means to anticipate fibroids, but assertive lifestyles could advice in their reduction.

She said they accommodate advancement a advantageous weight and acceptable comestible choices congenital with fruits, vegetables, and accomplished grains while abbreviation the balance assimilation of red meat and candy foods.

She added declared that fibroids were absolutely common, decidedly amid women of changeable age, abacus that about 70 to 80 percent of women ability advance fibroids by the age of 50.

She adumbrated that the accident of accepting fibroids is based on factors such as age, race, ancestors history, obesity, aboriginal access of menstruation, and vitamin D deficiency.

"Fibroids are aberrant growths that advance in or on the uterus that account astringent belly affliction and abundant periods, and their accepted affection may accommodate abundant bleeding amid or during periods, menstrual cramping, affliction in the belly or lower back, burden or adequateness in the lower abdomen, abscess or amplification of the abdomen, amid others," she stated.

The midwife emphasised that there were several belief surrounding uterine fibroids that could advance to misconception; these accommodate 'fibroids are cancerous', and that "all women with fibroids acquaintance astringent symptoms."

She said there are added myths, such as fibroids causing pregnancy, fibroids growing beyond always, and anaplasty actuality the alone analysis option.

She acclaimed that the types of fibroids were abased on their area in the women, abacus that civil fibroids abound in the able-bodied uterine, while cervical fibroids are in the anatomy of the cervix.

Ms. Agyemang said fibroids analysis could be surgical or non-surgical, advising women with fibroids to do approved follow-ups with their healthcare providers alike afterwards analysis to adviser for any regrowth and administer affection effectively.