A 53-year-old farmer, Bashiru Gambo, who attempted to action his son for sale, has been bedevilled to 20 years imprisonment in adamantine labour by the Tarkwa Circuit Court.

He was answerable with trading a being adverse to Section 2(1) of the Human Trafficking Act 694 of 2005, pleaded accusable to the offense, and asked the cloister to absolve him.

Before the authoritative judge, Mrs. Hathia Ama Manu, apprehend the judgment, the prosecutor, Superintendent of Badge Juliana Essel-Dadzie, said the amount at which bodies were missing had added and appealed to the cloister to accord a stiffer abuse to the captive to serve as a bridle to others.

She said the victim, Alexander Kyeremeh, is a small-scale miner and resided at Manu-krom abreast Obuasi, while Gambo, the biological ancestor of the victim, resided at Wassa-Abreshia abreast Wassa Akropong.

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, badge admiral stationed at Wassa-Nkonya best up intelligence that Gambo had planned to action the victim for sale.

The admiral started ecology Gambo aloft the tip-off, and they afterwards approached him and airish as buyers, and he became interested, agreeable them extensively.

He bargained the amount with the plain-clothed badge admiral to the tune of GH¢80,000 and alike apprenticed to ensure he handed the victim over to them on Monday, July 1, 2024.

The cloister heard that on July 1, at about 1900 hours, Gambo accompanied the buyers to Manu-krom afterwards he declared the victim on the buzz to accommodated them at the roadside.

Superintendent Essel-Dadzie said in the process, Gambo acicular out the victim to the buyers from a distance, afterwards which he accustomed him (the victim) to accompany their vehicle, but while on the way, the buyers appear themselves to Gambo as badge admiral and arrested him at the Wassa Akropong Badge Station.

He accepted the answerability in his attention account and declared that he was activity through hardship, appropriately the decision.