Residents of Konongo in the Ashanti Region are raising alarm over the escalating illegal mining activities, known locally as "galamsey," which are encroaching dangerously close to the main Konongo-Accra highway.  Despite government efforts to curb this illegal activity, the miners continue their operations unabated, leaving destruction in their wake and posing a significant threat to the region's infrastructure and environment. One of the most concerning examples of this encroachment is a mining operation just a few meters from the busy highway, reports.  The activity has become an eyesore and a source of deep frustration for residents, who feel abandoned by authorities. Rev. Raphael Oppong, head pastor of the New Life Church of Light in Konongo, expressed the community's dismay in an interview.  "The illegal mining situation in the area is an eyesore and a blot on the conscience of persons in authority who have the mandate to stop the menace," he said. He further lamented the destruction of local vegetation and the severe pollution of the Owerri River, the main water source for the area. "The police are doing nothing about it; the chiefs are not taking any action; the District Assembly has not taken action, and even the Minerals Commission Office here in Konongo says they do not know anything about what is happening," Rev.