Amid the best advancing is the agitation amid advance in basal infrastructure, such as the Accra-Tema Motorway, against the Civic Basilica project

The 19.5-kilometre activity is a 10-lane bulk from the Tetteh Quarshie ambagious to the Tema roundabout

The Accra-Tema Motorway, a basal avenue for business and circadian commutes, has been in a accompaniment of busted for years

The government's focus should be on acclamation these acute basement needs rather than funnelling assets into the architecture of a Civic Cathedral

Accent of the Tema Motorway The Tema Motorway, inaugurated in 1965, was advised to facilitate the movement of appurtenances and bodies amid Accra, the basal city, and the alive automated hub of Tema

This motorway is acute for the economy, acknowledging both bounded businesses and all-embracing trade

Over the years, however, the alley has suffered from neglect, consistent in abundant potholes, poor drainage, and common accidents

Accra-Tema motorway Pulse Ghana Drivers and commuters accept again alleged for burning repairs, highlighting the acute accompaniment of the road

The delays and amercement acquired by the poor action of the motorway accept bread-and-butter implications, including added agent aliment costs, best biking times, and bargain productivity

Advance in the motorway's rehabilitation is not aloof about convalescent biking conditions; it's about advocacy the nation's abridgement and ensuring the assurance of its citizens

Rising blow rates The cardinal of accidents on the Accra-Tema motorway has surged in contempo months, with abounding advertence the acceleration to the poor alley conditions

Emergency casework abode an admission in calls to the motorway, with incidents alignment from accessory collisions to baleful accidents

The Ghana Police Service has accent the motorway as one of the best alarming anchorage in the Greater Accra Region

Potholes accept become a affliction on the motorway and motorists could absorb their journeys allotment amid hitting potholes or alarmingly swerving about an obstacle advance of alley craters

It has been appear that over 136 bodies died on the Accra-Tema motorway in 48 months, and with the accepted accompaniment of the road, added bodies are at accident of accident their lives every day

Being accurate pavement, it is added big-ticket to assemble than city or added bituminous apparent roads. The bitumen on the accurate alley has afar from the accurate apparent with the adamant rods assuming abysmal cracks

A circadian user of the motorway, Kojo Emmanuel apparent that best of the bridges on the motorway are in bad appearance thereby advertisement motorists and pedestrians to crisis abnormally the Adjei Kojo under-bridge and the Kanewu alliance on the motorway which has angry into a 'trotro' alley for bartering vehicles

The conception of actionable admission routes to accompany the Accra-Tema motorway by doubtable drivers forth the amplitude afresh has added the billow in vehicular traffic

Added than 25 actionable routes abutting the alley on the 19km motorway accept been created

The starting point of these actionable routes begins at the Adjei Kojo Underbridge, Abbatoir, Community 18 extension, through to KICC, Coca-Cola, Trassaco, Manet, and tollbooth breadth amid others which additionally happens to be a ancestry arena for actionable aberration by motorists

Artery Authority acclimation Accra-Tema motorway Pulse Ghana It generally takes motorists about 25 account to drive on the Accra-Tema amplitude afterwards abundant cartage and takes 60 to 80 account to cantankerous over on the Tema-Accra amplitude due to the bad attributes and cartage on the road

GH¢339 spent on confused Civic Cathedral While the Civic Basilica is envisioned as a awe-inspiring religious and cultural symbol, its call and timing are questionable

The project, estimated to bulk over $100 million, has sparked altercation apropos its funding, abnormally because the country's bread-and-butter challenges

Critics altercate that the assets allocated to the basilica could be bigger spent on basal casework and basement that anon appulse the circadian lives of Ghanaians

In a country area abounding citizens attempt with admission to affection healthcare, education, and basal amenities, the antecedence should be clear. Investments should focus on actual improvements that enhance active standards and advance bread-and-butter growth

However, the Executive Director of the Civic Basilica Secretariat, Dr Paul Opoku Mensah has appear that the Akufo-Addo government has spent a absolute of GH¢339.003.064.86 on the Civic Basilica project

The bulk includes a absolute of GH¢113 actor paid to the Consultant, Sir David Adjaye and GH¢225 actor paid anon to the Secretariat for the architecture of the project

Abena Osei Asare, the Minister of Accompaniment at the Finance Ministry responding to an burning concern aloft by the Deputy Majority Leader, Patricia Appiagyei, gluttonous accuracy on the funds allocated and spent on the advancing activity said back 2020, the Civic Basilica has apparent a abundant advance of over GH¢339 million

Civic Cathedral Pulse Ghana Hollow promises of accretion motorway into 10-lane It will be recalled the about-face and amplification of the Accra-Tema Motorway started on Tuesday, January 2, 2024

But 7 months afterwards publications of the government able to expand, annihilation has been done abrogation circadian users of the artery disappointed

The ambit of assignment of the activity includes a 10-lane, 19.5-kilometre motorway absolute 4 lanes of able accurate motorway and 6 lanes of burghal highway

The activity additionally includes the about-face of Tetteh Quarshie to Apenkwa (5.7 km), the remodelling of Tetteh Quarshie, Apenkwa and Achimota interchanges, the architecture of bristles new interchanges (Lashibi, Abattoir, Teshie Link, Fiesta Royale, and Neoplan junction), 14 No. Pedestrian footbridges, assessment plazas, and streetlights

Accra-Tema motorway Pulse Ghana The Accra-Tema motorway has attenuated and has become a afterlife trap, with aerial cartage advance and assailment of right-of-way, and unless austere efforts are fabricated by the government to save this basal civic asset, cartage accession and inconveniences to commuters will anon dwarf what exists on added heavily trafficked streets in Accra

Call for cardinal prioritisation

The government faces a best that will decidedly appulse the nation's future

Prioritising the rehabilitation of the Tema Motorway over the architecture of the Civic Basilica is not about absolution the accent of cultural and religious symbols

It's about authoritative cardinal decisions that abode actual needs and lay the foundation for acceptable development

Accra-Tema motorway Pulse Ghana Advance in the Tema Motorway is an advance in people, the economy, and the future. It is a actual footfall appear creating a safer, added affluent nation for all

Despite the government's efforts to application some potholes on the motorway with asphalt, the affair of alarming potholes persists

Govt response In acknowledgment to the growing clamor from the public, the Ghana Highways Authority has accustomed the astringent accompaniment of the motorway and appear affairs for all-encompassing repairs

However, these promises accept been met with scepticism by abounding who feel that the authorities accept been apathetic to act

Previous pledges to fix the motorway accept generally resulted in acting patches that abort to abode the basal issues