The Atwima Traditional Council in the Ashanti Region has bidding abysmal affair over the afflictive action of anchorage in their communities advanced of the 2024 polls.

The Council, which encompasses communities in the Kwadaso Municipality and Atwima Kwanwoma District, feels bamboozled by contractors who accept bootless to complete alley projects assigned to them for over seven years.

The chiefs cited the apathetic clip of architecture works on the 20-kilometer alley addition from Ohwimase, Denkyemuoso, Atwima Takyiman, and Boko to Atwima Nweneso.

In an account with OTEC News anchorman Jacob Agyenim Boateng, Kyeame Tieku Owusu Ansah, Head of Linguists for Atwima Traditional Council, bidding his annoyance with how the government is administration alley architecture in the area.

He acclaimed that all close anchorage and added anchorage bond Tanoso, Takyiman, and Denkyemuoso are in a apologetic state, authoritative it difficult for commuters to use the roads.

He appear that businesses are disturbing due to the poor roads, calling on the government to complete the anchorage to abate the accent association face.

The council's apropos highlight the charge for burning absorption to the alley basement in the breadth to advance the lives of association and abutment bounded businesses.