Joseph Kwow Addo Sam, Esq., a 52-year-old clandestine acknowledged practitioner, has been arraigned at the Achimota Circuit Cloister and answerable forth with four others for allegedly accomplishment a will. He has been answerable with conspiracy, bogus of official documents, altering of official documents, and perjury.

The Circuit Cloister in Achimota presided over by Her Honour Mrs. Akosua Anokyewaa Adjepong, accepted him to bond in the sum of GH¢200,000. In accession to bail, the cloister appropriate him to accommodate three sureties, one of whom allegation be a accessible assistant earning no beneath than GH¢3,000 and allegation abide aural the court's jurisdiction. The adjudicator additionally directed him to address to the case investigator every Tuesday, already every two weeks.

Joseph Kwow Addo Sam was answerable alongside Alhaji Seidu Adams Baba, declared to be the Chief of Banda in Accra, Abdul Salia alias Abdallai Salia Junior, Abubakar Salia, and Saeed Salia (all three actuality siblings). While the advocate and the Chief of Banda accept entered their pleas, Saeed Salia's appeal has been deferred to August 15.

The prosecution, led by Assistant Superintendent of Badge (ASP) Isaac Babayi, abreast the cloister that Saeed Salia was alone afresh arrested, and the allegation area needs to be adapted accordingly.

Bernard Koranteng Obiri, who was apery Paul Asibi Abariga for the adept lawyer, requested bond for his client. The case did not argue the bond request.

Previously, Alhaji Seidu Adams Baba (the 2nd Accused) was accepted bond in the sum of GH¢150,000 with three sureties, one of whom allegation be a accessible assistant earning no beneath than GH¢2,000.

The case has been adjourned to August 15. Abdul Salia alias Abdallai Salia Junior (3rd Accused) and Abubakar Salia (4th Accused) are currently at large, and the badge are on a manhunt for them.

Abrupt Facts

According to the abrupt facts of the case, the complainant, Addris Salia, is a businessman, while the aboriginal accused (A1) is Joseph Kwow Addo Sam, Esq., a lawyer. The additional accused, Alhaji Seidu Adams Baba, is the Chief of Banda in Accra. The third accused, Abdullai Salia alias Abdallai Salia Junior, the fourth accused, Abubakar Salia, and the fifth accused, Saeed Salia, are all siblings, and their backward ancestor was Alhaji Salia Abdullai.

ASP Isaac Babayi declared that afterwards the afterlife of Alhaji Salia Abdullai on June 23, 2021, a will surfaced, declared to be his aftermost will, and was deposited at the anthology of the High Court, Probate Division on May 7, 2004. The will was witnessed by the now-deceased Tony Kenyin Foli and Alhaji Seidu Adams Baba (A2).

The complainant became apprehensive aloft accepting a archetype of the will and administering clandestine checks, advertent that the signatures of his backward father, Alhaji Salia Abdullai, and the backward Tony Kenyin Foli on the will were forged. He again petitioned the Director-General of the CID for an investigation.

A certified accurate archetype of the will was acquired from the High Cloister Registrar, and a account ahead submitted by Tony Kenyin Foli, who appeared as a attestant on the will, was acquired from the Regional Badge Headquarters/CID.

Signature samples from the backward Alhaji Salia Abdullai were calm from Ecobank, Ghana Commercial Bank, and the Registrar General Department. Both the acknowledged and acknowledged signatures were advised by the Comptroller General of the Ghana Immigration Service Forensic Department and Spotlight Security Solution.

The analysis arise that the signatures on the declared will and probate anatomy (Judicial Anatomy 35) did not bout those of the called individuals. It was bent that A1 conspired with A2, A3, A4, and A5 to adapt the artificial will of the backward Alhaji Salia Abdullai, with A2 signing as a attestant to accomplish it arise as the 18-carat aftermost will of the deceased.

The will and associated probate anatomy were presented to the High Cloister Registry, and on August 11, 2021, A3, A4, and A5 activated for probate based on the artificial will.

The complainant, apprehensive the will's authenticity, petitioned the police. Joseph Kwow Addo Sam Esq. was arrested, and in his attention account to the police, he accepted to advancing and depositing the will at the High Cloister Probate Division on May 7, 2004.

Alhaji Seidu Adams Baba (the 2nd accused) was additionally arrested but banned to accommodate a account to the police.

The fourth and fifth accused active the probate form, which was acquired through fraud. The aboriginal and additional accused accept been answerable with the listed offenses.