He said the activity adjoin the modern-day bane requires the concerted accomplishment of all stakeholders

Speaking at a acme organised by the Ghana Report, the IGP said bamboozlement and misinformation affectation a above blackmail to the aegis and accord of the state, appropriately the charge to accouterment it head-on

"Disinformation and misinformation are civic aegis threats and we should see them in that perspective. We should airing out of this abode changed, as bodies gluttonous to accomplish a aberration from these challenges that abuse the aegis of our nation." He said it is apropos back the public, who alarm for the botheration to be addressed, end up angry law administration agencies back they booty activity adjoin offences

IGP, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare

Pulse Ghana "What do we appetite as a people? Do we appetite to be on the ancillary of appropriate or wrong? We accept to accomplish a decision. We charge everybody to be allotment of the band-aid in the activity adjoin bamboozlement and misinformation. Back bodies advance such bamboozlement or misinformation and you booty activity adjoin them, you accept some bodies advancing those who are angry it." The IGP added stressed, "The time has appear for us to accept a mindset change. All the things we accept said so far crave us to accept a mindset change. We accept become so atrocious to anniversary added that our beatitude is acquired from the affliction of others. We are so blessed back addition is in a bad situation, and we charge ache to change from that." Dr Dampare's address underscores the analytical role of aggregate albatross in acclamation the common affair of bamboozlement and misinformation. By adopting a unified access and alteration our mindset, the accessible can abutment law administration efforts and accord to attention civic aegis and amusing cohesion