End-stage kidney patients who require dialysis for their survival can heave a sigh of relieve as the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) is expected to resume out-patient services by next week. Already, in-patients have started receiving dialysis from Monday after the Renal Unit shutdown operations two weeks ago due to shortage of consum­ables. The closure allegedly led to the death of three persons as other patients were either left to fate or struggle to keep up with charges from private facilities which offered the service be­tween GH¢600 and GH¢1000, per session as compared to public hospitals like the KBTH that charged about GH¢491 for each dialysis session. The Head of the Public Rela­tions of the hospital, Mustapha Salifu, in an interview yesterday, said additional medical supplies needed to run the unit have been received at the hospital to cater for out-patient department (OPD) services. "The renal team will work out the schedule for the OPD to begin as soon as possible to bring relieve to our patients," he said. According to the PRO, fol­lowing the procurement of 30 new dialysis machines expected to be installed by the end of the year, the issue of shortage of consumables would hopefully be a thing of the past. "The new machines have their own consumables that can last for a year unlike what we have now which require that we order their consumables from the manufacturers.